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‘Unique Eats and Eateries of Spokane’ explores popular establishments, people behind them; book available for pre-order

“Unique Eats and Eateries of Spokane: The People and Stories Behind the Food,” by Adriana Janovich  (Courtesy)
From staff reports

From staff reports

A book by former Spokesman-Review food editor Adriana Janovich is available for pre-order. “Unique Eats and Eateries of Spokane: The People and Stories Behind the Food” explores the widely ranging establishments of the city – “from A to Zip’s Drive-In.”

The award-winning writer and editor Janovich has been eating her way across Spokane for a decade. She explores and writes about more than 80 iconic area eateries and the people behind them.

The softcover Reedy Press book runs for $27. Books can be pre-ordered at and will ship upon arrival, starting April 1.