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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Jimmy's Clubhouse

A Day in duh Life of a Doggo 🌞🌜

Hey, hoomans! It’s me, Jimmy, an I sooper excited to take yous frew a day in my paws. Strap in dem seat belters (or should I say, leash up?) an gets ready fur a ride on duh wild an fluffer side!

Morning Zoomies 🌅

My day starts bright an earlies, wiff duh sun tickling my nosers an duh birds singing just fur me. I does a sooper stretchers of all fors of my leggers, does a big ol’ yawno, an den I is off – zoomin’ around duh house likes a furry rocket! It my way of sayin’, “Gooders morning, world! I ready to play!” My hoomans wish I snoozers a little longer but I gots tings to do!

Breakfast Time 🍽️

After all dat zoomin’, my tummy is doin’ a rumblin’ sooper fierce. Breakfast is duh mostest impawtant meal of duh day, after all. My hooman knows just what I likes - a yummy mix of kibble an sometimes a special treato, like a carrot or bit of scrambled eggers. Oh boy, oh boy, it make my tail wag non-stoppers!

Walkies an Sniffari 🐾

Next up, it time fur walkies! I wuvs exploring duh neighborhood wiff my hooman. Every tree, every busher has a story to tells, an I der to sniffers it all. I calls it going on a sniffari - it like a safari, but fur smells. Yous wouldn’t beweevers duh pawssip I picks up from duh squirrels an birdos! My hooman also makes me walkers wiff manners. I not pulls on duh leash an stuffers.

Nap Time an Cuddles 💤

After all dat excitement, it timers fur a rest. I find duh coziest spot in duh housers, usually wheres duh sunbeamers hit just righto, an curls up fur a snoozers. Sometimes, my hooman joins me, an we has duh bestest cuddles. It duh pawfect way to recharge fur duh next pawdventure.

Afternoon Playtime an Trickers 🎾

When I wakes up, it playtime! My hooman an I has a blast playing fetch or tuggers. I also been learning some neeto stuffers, like ‘sit’, ‘place’, an ‘stays’. I even gets treatos sometimes – but my hooman makes sure I listens to voice commands first. I only gets treatos fur special trickers!

Evening Chill an Dinner 🌆

As duh day winders down, so does I. My hooman an I has some quiet timers, maybe watching TV or just hanging out. Den, it dinners time, an oh boys, am I ready fur it! My hooman makes sures I sits an waits nice fur duh food bowlers an den I chompers it all down! After I lickers my bowl cleans, I all about doze evening walkers. It a nice timers to pawflect on duh day an do some more sniffers. It not a long walkies, just so we gets a wind down of duh day.

Night-Time Snoozers 🌌

An just like dat, duh day’s pawdventures come to an enders. I has one last play session wiff my favorite toyo an get some extra lovin’s from my hoomans before it nite nite timers. I do my blankie a good fluffers an den snuggles up in my bed, dreaming of all duh fun we gonna has tomorrow!

Phew, what a day, huh? Bein’ a doggo is pawsome, an sharing it wiff my favorite hoomans makes it even betters. I hope yous enjoyed dis sneak peek into my daily woofers an wags. Stay tuned fur more tail-wagging tales an tipers from yous furry fren Jimmy! Now, if yous excooz me, I hears a squeakers calling my name. Catch ya later, alligators! 🐶💖