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A waste of time, money

The horror! That Cathy McMorris Rodgers is really something, isn’t she? The House Ethics Committee has reprimanded her and ordered her to pay back $7,500 after an investigation found that she and her staff “frequently exhibited an indifference to the laws, rules and regulations relating to the use of official and unofficial resources.” We sure don’t want anyone ripping us off of such a huge sum now do we? Outrageous, why, there is just nothing to compare it to.

I am sure all the details are in the 58 page report the committee has released; but, frankly, I can think of other things to occupy my time than all the nasty little details that are involved. Things like: how much time (time is money, you know) that McMorris Rodgers and her staff spent in the more than 30 interviews during the investigation and how many hours they spent gathering documents; and how many investigators, with how many billable hours, were used to scrutinize the 66,000 pages of these documents during the 6 years of the investigation. Six years! Seventy five hundred dollars. Hundreds, not thousands, not millions, and surely not billions!

Somebody should be tarred and feathered. But not Cathy McMorris Rodgers.

Dale Magart

Deer Park

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