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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

100 years ago in Spokane: ‘King of Newsboys’ is downright fun

“Noodles the Newsboy” was a unqualified hit at the Pantages Theater, where Chronicle newsboys attended for free. (Spokesman-Review archives)

“Noodles” Fagan, the uncrowned King of the Newsboys, entertained 300 Spokane Daily Chronicle newsboys in a free show at the Pantages Theater.

Did they enjoy it?

“Well, it is all the talk among the newsies today,” the Chronicle said. “Such a time for downright fun most of them never had before in their lives.”

The climax of the show came when Noodles called some newsboys up to the stage for a series of contests.

“First was a shouting contest, where the boys cried the headlines of the Chronicle,” and next was something called a “ string chewing contest.” These were followed by a “cracker-eating contest,” “a wiener-eating contest” and a noodle-eating contest in which chopsticks were used.

From the flu beat: Father McAleer of the Sacred Heart Church was arrested for holding meetings in Harrington, in violation of that town’s flu quarantine.

He was released on his own recognizance to appear for trial in Davenport.

Meanwhile, the flu epidemic continued to wane in Spokane, but authorities were nervous about a recent recurrence in West Coast cities and in some of the Inland Northwest’s small towns.

The flu death toll in Spokane stood at 439.