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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

100 years ago in Spokane: County asked to chip in to complete road to Mount Spokane

Civic leaders asked the Spokane County Commission for $3,500 to complete the road to Mount Spokane. (Spokesman-Review archives)

Civic leaders asked the Spokane County commissioners for $3,500 to complete the road to Mount Spokane.

Francis Cook, who owned the Mount Spokane Road, was in attendance. He said it would actually take more than $3,500 to finish the road, but he would be willing to furnish the balance. Cook suggested selling “season tickets” for use of the road at $10 each.

The road was currently finished to within 2 1/2 miles to the top. If completed, Cook suggested that at least 10,000 people would visit the mountain within a year. He called it “Spokane’s beauty spot.”

A road to the summit would “give the people of Spokane one of the best panoramic views of the surrounding country of any spot in the Northwest.”

From the strike beat: Three companies of U.S. infantry soldiers were returning home to Fort George Wright from Butte, where they were sent to keep order during a miners’ strike.

The strike was over and several detachments of soldiers from Washington were no longer needed.

The Butte strike turned violent on several occasions. An inquiry was underway about a reported bayoneting of several discharged soldiers.