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Wilson is thoughtful, focused

As an independent voter, I seldom endorse candidates running under the auspices of the two major political parties. However, exceptional candidates merit exceptional support. I enthusiastically endorse Dave Wilson for 6th District state representative.

Dave is thoughtful and focused on real options for resolving real issues, and does the research needed to explore those options. Part of that research is listening to the people he hopes to represent in Olympia. Unlike many other politicians, Dave is less interested in telling people what they should do or think than he is in finding out what they think he should do as their representative.

Dave Wilson’s hands-on experience with education and entrepreneurship as founder of Interface College gives him a breadth and depth of understanding of what state government can do to promote these two keys to Washington State’s future.

Finally, Dave is one of the hardest-working people I’ve ever met. Once he has a clear idea of what needs to be done, he is not afraid to roll up his sleeves and do it. Dave Wilson’s leadership and his example of dedicated, faithful service will serve all of the citizens of the 6th District well.

David R. Burnett


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