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The Slice: The Slice: That’s a cold shot, baby

Lake water is still pretty cold when …

A) People on the dock from which you jumped can hear your scream even though you are still under water. B) It causes you to begin speaking in tongues. C) Other. D) Let’s move on.

Small World Department: Spokane’s Steve Peck recently exchanged emails with a cartoon archivist back East. The subject was the old comic strip “Shoe.”

You know, the one with world-weary birds putting out a newspaper.

In the course of their congenial back-and-forth, Steve’s Virginia-based correspondent unexpectedly sang the praises of Doyle’s ice cream parlor on Spokane’s North Side. “Have a banana split for me,” he wrote. “They make the best in the country.”

Just wondering: Those of what age are most susceptible to getting the Chicago song “Saturday in the Park” stuck in their heads this weekend?

More bad things that can happen to your eyeglasses: “My young cat Snertz chews off the parts that go over the ears, making them unusable,” wrote Kirsten Fehlig.

Kirsten now puts them in a hard case.

Sheri McMicheal had a pair of glasses get run over by a snowblower. “I found the mangled frames a few days later and found the lenses the following spring. Needless to say, they could not be repaired.”

Asking for a friend: At what point does the stack of papers on your desk become so out-of-control that the likelihood of ever finding something specific in there is doubtful at best?

When you knew you really didn’t enjoy camping: For Mike Bauer, who farms west of Ritzville, the realization happened when he was in Vietnam.

Slice answer: Dennis DeMattia saw the question about little boys noting their fathers’ hairlines.

“When I was very young, I asked my mother if I would have hair like my father when I was his age. (Actually he had very good hair, even into his 80s.)

“She had to remind me I was adopted.”

Another Slice answer (Are you satisfied with the way your profession deals with those whose ethical lapses are widely known and persistent?): “I have heard a few industry colleagues refer to it as, ‘Don’t ask/Don’t tell,’ ” wrote insurance man Curt Olsen.

Warm-up question: What if the retiree simply doesn’t want any sort of party or punch-and-cookies send-off?

Today’s Slice question: What’s something that bugs you about Spokane even though you freely admit it doesn’t seem to trouble anyone else?

Write The Slice at P. O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email In case you are wondering, others have already started gathering firewood.

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