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The Slice: If it’s good enough for the Police Department …

If you wore a body camera all day, what would it show?

A) You trying to keep up with your cats’ many and varied demands. B) Various and sundry illicit activities. C) Nothing a thorough culture audit of your family life wouldn’t already have revealed. D) The untold truth about Spokane’s seamy underbelly. E) Nothing that would prevent a viewer from dozing off if forced to watch a live feed for five minutes. F) You drinking coffee and watching TV. G) Other.

Blame it on Rio: “I love watching the Olympics but hate the questions,” wrote Carol Nelson, a North Idaho grade school teacher.

You know. How did it feel to win gold?

She said she’s waiting for an athlete to say “Great!,” only preceded by a common though unprintable intensifier.

Identity crisis: Thomas Rogers is a “junior.”

He remembers, when growing up, the phone calls asking for Tom.

“Which one?”

“I don’t know.”

“Junior is 12. Senior is 54.”

“I don’t know.”

“Brown or silver hair?”

“I don’t know.”

And so on.

“Then, in my first year of college, there were four Toms on my dorm floor.”

He felt right at home. But he vowed there would not be a Tom the third. He suspects his daughter approves of that decision.

Slice answer: “Watching the Olympics on TV tends to make me self-conscious about my very flabby 63-year-old arms,” wrote Tamie Evers.

Living in the past: At Expo ’74 in the second half of August … Jim Nabors, Buck Owens, John Denver, Margo Fonteyn and the London Ballet, and the Denver Broncos vs. New England Patriots.

Maybe she got style points: Just the other day, The Slice noted with amazement that some people cannot remember the make and model of the vehicle in which they took their first driver’s test.

Grand Coulee’s Diane Canady is not one of those people.

“It was a 1956 black and white Mercury with skirts, white walls, glass pack muffler and lowered in the back. I think I passed because the car was so cool, or so I wouldn’t come back.”

Warm-up questions: How many of Washington’s 39 counties did you visit or at least travel through this summer? How about Idaho’s 44? Did you know Texas has 254 counties?

Today’s Slice question: In what incredibly mundane activity were you engaged when you managed to wrench your back?

Write The Slice at P. O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email One Slice reader uses the flashlight feature on her phone to hunt for slugs in her garden.

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