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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

IBS often responsible for bloat

Anthony L. Komaroff M.D.

DEAR DOCTOR K: I feel bloated and my belly looks larger than normal. What can I do to feel better?

DEAR READER: That feeling of fullness and tightness in the abdomen is called bloating. Distension is the term for the increased size of your abdomen.

Your bloating is likely due to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a common intestinal disorder with a variety of unpleasant gastrointestinal effects. Three-quarters of IBS patients complain of bloating. In fact, IBS patients often rank bloating as their most bothersome symptom.

There are no surefire treatments for bloating and distension. But because they often go hand in hand with IBS, treating IBS may help relieve them.

ELIMINATE TRIGGERS. The following foods may trigger IBS: Apples and other raw fruits; beans; broccoli; cabbage; caffeine; cauliflower; chewing gum, beverages, or foods sweetened with fructose or sorbitol; chocolate; dairy products; fatty foods; margarine; nuts; orange and grapefruit juices; wheat products

PROBIOTICS AND PREBIOTICS. Probiotics are living bacteria found in dietary supplements and in cultured and fermented foods like yogurt and miso. Probiotics have long been touted for their ability to ease digestive woes. Prebiotics are nonliving substances intended to promote the growth of beneficial bacteria.

STRESS REDUCTION. Some people with IBS find relief through stress-reduction techniques. Examples include relaxation response training, meditation, hypnosis, acupuncture and biofeedback.

Some physicians believe that there is nothing physically wrong in people with IBS. They believe the symptoms of IBS come from an underlying psychological disorder such as anxiety or stress. Surely, the symptoms of many illnesses can be aggravated by psychological problems. However, in my opinion, recent research indicates that IBS probably is a physical disorder caused by bacteria in the gut.