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The Slice: Face it, you’re the key to this project

Consider this a warning.

I might want to take a picture of you. Well, I’ll be in it, too. So it might be more correct to say “a picture of us.”

Then I will post the photo on The Slice Blog at

My plan is to call these “Paul’s People” and put up at least 100 such selfies before the end of the year.

This could be fun. Here are some of my potential photo partners.

• Slice readers I bump into in public.

• Readers who come meet me at the Review Tower.

• Other bike riders.

• Strangers who catch my eye for one reason or another.

• People I encounter at their workplaces.

• People holding pets.

• People with restored cars (we’ll stand in front of it).

• People with message T-shirts (that I agree with).

• My neighbor who has the cat I’m always writing about.

• People holding newborns.

• My S-R colleagues.

• People who have appeared in my column many times.

• Teachers.

• Graduates of Big Sky Conference universities.

• Spokane high school dropouts.

• People wearing Detroit Tigers caps.

• Farmers, cashiers and police officers.

• Great-grandparents.

• Corgi owners.

• S-R alums.

• Familiar faces you know from Spokane TV news.

• People who don’t mind me putting my arm around their shoulders.

And so on. I have been thinking about this since taking a selfie a few weeks ago with a nice woman who won a Slice contest and had come to the newspaper to collect a vintage Review/Chronicle yardstick.

Since its beginning in May 2011, The Slice Blog has been a mixed bag of oddball content. I would argue that at least some of it has been entertaining.

Lately, at least before I went out of town last week, I have been posting pictures of downtown Spokane at dawn. I enjoyed that, but when I ask myself what might be better than buildings the answer seems obvious.


That’s where you come in. There’s really no telling where or when it might happen. But I could walk up and ask if you will be in a picture with me.

It’s your call, of course. But I hope you will say “OK.”

Today’s Slice question: If you were to create a special day for adults who are not parents, what would you call it?

Write The Slice at P. O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email Raise your hand if you skipped your graduation.

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