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The Slice: Good customer service comes in bright plastic packaging

Doorstep service from The S-R.

People say they want to read good news.

Well, here’s your chance.

An email with a photo arrived from Spokane Valley’s Ellen Pierce. “As you can see, all my husband has to do is open the front door and lean over to pick up the newspaper.”

She applauded S-R carriers Robert and Linda Walston.

Today’s snake story: “In the summer of 1976 we had just moved into a new subdivision west of Spokane,” wrote Jean Shute. “My then 9-year-old daughter went to her bedroom and let out a blood curdling shriek. She had left a pair of shorts on the floor by her bed and curled up in them was a small bull snake.

“Her father found a shoe box and escorted the little guy outside. It was awhile before my daughter would go into her room without a parental inspection first. Not sure how the little guy found his way into the house and made it to the second floor, but we were all vigilant for some time.”

Today’s theoretical tattoo: “Having seen the end game of life played out several times, I intend to have ‘D N R’ tattooed in bright red on my chest,” wrote Glen Jones.

Today’s hit-by-a-golf-ball story: Last summer, back when she was 89, Coulee Dam’s Betty Davis was playing the Banks Lake golf course at Electric City. She got hit in the back by some numbskull’s drive.

“I sported a very red, perfect imprint of a Titleist which then turned black, then blue.”

Yikes. “Golf is not for the timid,” said Betty.

Today’s “people are the worst” item: The Slice heard about $624 worth of Girl Scout cookies that fell out of a local man’s truck and were absconded with before the driver discovered what had happened and doubled back.

Another driver in the spread-out Girl Scout convoy reportedly saw what happened and yelled at the cookie thief as he made his getaway, to no avail.

Today’s Slice question: If you were to guess … what’s the word-of-mouth about your personality?

Write The Slice at P. O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email I got Pete Rose’s autograph when I was a kid, but no wagering was involved.

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