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The Slice: A town filled with plenty of characters

Paul Turner is taking some time off this summer. In his absence, we dive into the archives at Slice Central. Today, we revisit July 14, 2007.


You know how Spokane used to have a reputation as a dumping ground for people in witness-relocation programs and what not? Sure.

Well, have you ever wondered if certain comic book characters might also come here to avoid the spotlight? Paging through the Qwest phone directory, a few questions come to mind.

Could the A. Curry in Post Falls actually be Arthur Curry, aka Aquaman?

Might the S.R. Kyle in Spokane be Catwoman, Selina Kyle?

Could one of the people listed with the first initial “C” and the last name “Ferris” be Carol Ferris, Green Lantern’s girlfriend?

Any chance the P. White in Spokane is Perry White, one-time editor of the Daily Planet?

Could J. Jones and V. Lodge be Jughead Jones and Veronica Lodge, friends of Archie Andrews?

Could Bud Storm actually be Johnny Storm, the Human Torch?

And is there a chance that Captain America is alive and well and living in Spokane as Steve Rogers?

Slice answers: “By law, renters ‘own’ the place they live in,” wrote Tom Boden. “So if landlords want to put campaign signs on your lawn, tell them where to place the stick that came with the sign.”

Several readers said an Idahoan shirt would be adorned with images of animals in much the same way many Hawaiian shirts sport flowers.

True or false: In 1962’s “Mr. Hobbs Takes a Vacation,” Jimmy Stewart’s family lives in Spokane.

Tick … tick … tick. OK, time’s up. That’s false. They’re in St. Louis.

Know your Northwest law: The captain of a canoe cannot marry people, but he or she does have the authority to make fun of your hat.

Today’s Slice question: In what sort of motels did your family stay on summer car trips when you were a kid?

A) Chain places. One was pretty much like another. B) Cheap roadside dives – the kind of gray-sheets places where you could always hear angry yelling through the wall and the shower had scary stains. C) Motels? Are you kidding. My dad’s motto was “Drive straight through.” D) I just remember the coin-fed bed-vibrators, sandpaper towels and paintings of clowns. E) They all smelled like big ash trays. F) Other.

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