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The Slice: Don’t try to follow along at home

I keep reading that sitting for long stretches at work is a health disaster.

So I guess I need to get up and walk to the water fountain every few minutes, even if I am in the middle of writing a column and it derails my train of thought.

Let’s see how that goes.

Sometimes when thinking about this friend who used to do Bloomsday under the names of Elvis movie characters … Did I ever tell you about the time I had a chance to go to lunch one-on-one with Calvin Trillin but stupidly declined because … Once when I was at a party being thrown for the owner of an NFL team, I realized after I had been there for about an hour that there was still a price tag … If I had my interview with Dinah Shore to do over again, I would not suggest that she used to be hot back when … I once worked at a newspaper where this one older staff photographer was rumored to keep random shoes in the trunk of his car and when shooting an accident scene … The angriest phone-mail message ever left for me was … I enjoyed getting to explain to Billy Joel that the reason he was out of breath was … In my almost 27 years at the S-R, the only colleagues I honestly could not stand were … Back when I shook hands with civil rights titan John Lewis, I didn’t realize that … When I asked Barry McGuire about recording “Eve of Destruction” he said … On a Saturday when I was trying to reach one of his staffers, Congressman Mo Udall answered the phone in his Washington, D.C., office and I almost forgot to … Dan Pelle and I were on our way to the capitol to hang out with Rep. Tom Foley and I walked right into … The door was about to snap shut and so I reached out and held it open just as Cybill Shepherd … I was in a car with Malcolm Forbes Sr. when I decided to … My one phone conversation with the founder of FedEx lasted only about … I guess it was wrong to be hoping that the B-52 I was flying in would crash but … Cleveland Amory was standing there in his boxers and … So I was eavesdropping on Chris Fowler and Kirk Herbstreit near a sideline at the Rose Bowl when …

Today’s Slice question: When you are responding to a batch of email and one of the first you encounter annoys you for one reason or another, do you find that all of your subsequent replies take on a slightly testy tone?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email Marilyn Fleenor, Wayne Sanders and Linda Crooks’ husband are among those who purchase extra eggnog when it is readily available and then freeze some.

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