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The Slice: ’15 offers thrills despite weight of expectations

Happy New Year to all Slice readers.

I hope 2015 amazes and delights you with subtle pleasures and unexpected thrills.

And good luck with those 10 pounds.

Let’s jump right to the interactive portion of today’s column.

Today’s Slice question: Which headline would you most like to see in the S-R sometime in 2015? A) Polar Bear Plunger Tells All: “Yes, I was hammered” B) Area woman markets online-troll dolls C) Northwest native who enjoys bashing the South admits he supports political candidates who vote just like white legislators in Dixie

D) Zags fan admits: “I’m pretty quiet about Few’s worth as a person when things are going well” E) Downhill, Nordic Skiers to Hold Reconciliation Talks F) Strong hands, gentle touch: Spokane gardeners found to enjoy robust love lives

G) Newcomer stirs up trouble with his California ideas H) South Hill children begged “Get Off My Lawn” gun wielder to get some therapy I) City Council to employ air horns/penalty flags when members of the public speak

J) Marmot Lodge meeting turns into melee K) Medical school feud gets even more entertaining L) Survey: 4 of 5 Spokane preschoolers aspire to write literary fiction

M) WSU library adding sky boxes, Jumbotron N) North Side church board doesn’t try to fire pastor O) EWU sports fans agree to stop saying “Eags”

P) Area man admits he was a jerk at Hoopfest Q) Cougar mauls Bloomsday cheater R) Study: Communists Only Ones Using Inland Northwest Bike Lanes

S) “Clean shaven” requirement upsets ArtFest vendors T) Area man loses it over misspellings on Spokane reader boards U) Providence acquires Manito Park

V) Air Force to Spokane: “Propping up the sluggish economy of your little jerkwater town is not our No. 1 mission” W) Downtown pedestrian spotted using crosswalk X) S-R renames letters-to-editor page “WTF Roundup”

Y) North Idaho football fan admits he would cross to the other side of the street if he saw one of the Seahawks out of uniform and walking toward him Z) Other.

Write The Slice at P. O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email A plan for 2015: Spend all of your money at businesses that advertise in the newspaper.

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