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The Slice: By almost any measure, the response was notable

It’s not the first time I have been proud of Slice readers.

But the 70-plus who called and sang a line from “American Pie” — “With every paper I’d deliver” — were so good-natured I’m moved to do something unprecedented.

It’s this. Every entrant who wants one can have a coveted reporter’s notebook.

Just send me a note with your mailing address and your phone number (so I will know you were one of the original “American Pie” callers/singers). This goes even for those who were wrong about the performer. (It was Don McLean, not Barry Manilow or America.)

To listen to a sampling of Slice readers’ song stylings, click the “Audio” link above. I recommend it.

Anachronistic family sayings: “My dad used to yell at me when I was driving,” wrote Bruce Embrey.

Bruce’s father would say, “Slow down. You’re driving like Barney Oldfield.”

The reference to the pioneering auto racer did not ring a bell. “I had no idea who he was. I assumed he meant I was driving like a professional.”

I would be uneasy about dating someone who made a living…: “Doing anything sponsored by Red Bull,” wrote Scotty Davis.

Regarding Gonzaga’s prospects: “What do you mean IF the GU men advance to the Final Four?” wrote Debbie Burkett. “I’m sure that was a typo and what you actually meant to write was WHEN the GU men advance to the Final Four.”

Today’s Slice question: Earlier this week I learned that I first met my wife in London.

This was puzzling because I have never been to England.

It turned out that there was a simple explanation. In jumping through a series of identity-protecting hoops with a certain company, my wife had been asked to provide answers to a series of questions that would stump an identity thief. A few of my wife’s answers were made up. Which is fine, provided she remembers the fiction.

Anyway, here’s the question. In your case, what would be a fun fake answer to an identity-clarifying personal question?

Write The Slice at P. O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email Will you read the newspaper after seeing a family member emerge from the bathroom carrying it? How about an iPad?

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