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The Slice: It’s not like the mural is private lakefront property

Are there people who make a point of not stepping on the lakes-in-the-floor art at River Park Square because they think it would be disrespectful?

Let’s move on.

Small World Department: “Years ago my father and I were in Rome,” wrote Kathy Konek. “We were staying at a convent that was converted to a bed and breakfast. The nuns did not speak English, only Italian. The only person there that spoke both languages was another guest who just happened to have worked for The Spokesman-Review.”

Steven Stuart was wearing an Idaho State University shirt in Germany when he met some people from Pocatello.

Lisa Nunlist’s parents were in Paris when they saw a couple they knew from their original hometown, Butte.

And here’s one from Dennis DeMattia. “Thirty years ago, I was on my first trip to Tahiti (Moorea, actually). I was on the beach, sitting under a coconut tree (yes, the coconuts do fall and really hit the ground hard) admiring the view.

“A man and a woman came over to my tree, and sat down on the other side from me. They had just met (it was Club Med, after all) and of course the first order of business was to find out where everybody was from.

“He was from Portland. She was from Spokane.”

Slice answer: “I like my newspaper crisp, clean and in order,” wrote Barbara Garces. “When I finish reading the Spokesman it is as if it hadn’t been touched.”

Objects hurled across the room in anger: “It was a boot,” wrote Patsy Wood. “Hit a mirror. What a mess.”

Les Norton said he has thrown just about everything from drinking glasses to car parts.

Nancy Kiehn was not the hurler. She was the, uh, hurlee.

“When I was a teenager, I was mouthing off a bit to my mom while she was making sandwiches. I ducked just in time to avoid the entire loaf of bread.”

Warm-up question: If the automated system crashed, could you keep score in bowling the old-fashioned way?

Today’s Slice question: Who around here does the best vocal impression of his or her children whining?

Write The Slice at P. O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email There are workplaces where eye-catching outfits worn by certain former employees are recalled as legendary.

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