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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Annie’s Mailbox: It’s time to leave abusive marriage

Kathy Mitchell

Dear Annie: I have been married for 32 years to a horrible man. He is self-centered, controlling, a liar and a cheat. He manipulated me into buying a house I did not want, and when my mother died in this house, he kicked me out of the room we shared and made me move into the same room she died in. He lied to me about not getting paid for a year while pocketing $40,000 and spending it on an affair with our best friend’s daughter. He then closed our checking account.

Two years later, he bullied me into buying a business, where I worked for four years without pay. He occasionally paid me a little, but then kicked me out of the business and told me to get a “real job.”

Annie, he tore my car apart so I couldn’t drive it, and he keeps me broke all of the time. He went behind my back and put the business and home accounts in his name only. I have walked everywhere within three miles of our house looking for work, with no luck.

I have no friends because he can’t keep his hands off of them, and I’m tired of making excuses for him. If I bring it up, he calls me a liar. When I finally told him I wanted a divorce, he said he’ll keep the house and the business and there is no money to give me a share. For the past year, I’ve been trying to find a lawyer who will take my case for very little money and haven’t found one.

Don’t suggest counseling because I have no money for that and can’t get there unless it’s close enough to walk. – Miserable Forever

Dear Miserable: This is an abusive marriage – emotionally and financially. You don’t need to find a counselor within walking distance. Pick up the phone, or go online and contact the Domestic Violence Abuse Hotline at (800) 787-3224 ( They will help you get out of this mess of a marriage and find a fresh start. Please don’t wait.