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The Slice: Content with ribs’ submission

The Slice’s recent reader challenge wasn’t really a contest.

But if it had been, Gaye Dionne would have won. Here’s her submission.

“Now is the winter of our discontent, made glorious summer by these ribs of pork.”

All she could do was speculate: “Just saw a man running down the street from Rosauers on 14th carrying nothing but a 12-pack of toilet paper,” emailed Laurie Powers.

Perhaps he inferred a commentary on his future: Ann Walker sent her nephew some money in recognition of his high school graduation. The young man promptly replied with a thank-you card. But apparently he didn’t realize just what sort of thank-you card it was.

Opposite his hand-written note to his aunt was the printed message, “A heartfelt thank-you for your expression of sympathy.”

Slice answer: “In my travels in the mining industry, without a doubt, Australia wins in the bad coffee contest,” wrote Jennifer Leinart.

She said the offerings mostly range from bad to bad and expensive.

Summer songs and kissing: Sherri Hyams said a certain line in the Beach Boys’ “California Girls” always made her proud to be a northern girl.

Name game: “As far back as I can remember, all but one Debbie I’ve ever met was a nice, likable person,” wrote Debbie Corbit-Herman. “And considering how common the name ‘Debbie’ was for my generation, I think that says a lot.”

Kitty Kennedy has known three others who went by that first name. One was in her sorority pledge class.

“We resembled each other physically — brown hair, blue eyes, a little junk in the trunk. Somewhere in those first few months of college, to differentiate between us, she became ‘Good Kitty,’ leaving me, yes, ‘Bad Kitty.’

“So yes, I guess she is ‘good people,’ but I wonder how she would answer that question.”

Today’s Slice question: If Spokane had its own Lady Godiva, who should it be, what route should she take and what might she be protesting?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email A friend told me her youngest daughter skipped high school graduation even though my friend was the one handing out diplomas.

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