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Of, for the people no longer true

This is the 150th anniversary year of the Gettysburg Address. President Lincoln concluded his speech with the words “and that this government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

In my opinion, we no longer have a government of the people. You and I are of the people. Who among us has the money to campaign for a government position? Certainly none of my family or friends! Consider that the campaign for two Spokane City Council seats alone drew over $412,000 this year. Thus, our government of the people has perished.

Our government for the people has perished too. Our recent government shutdown was a result of our government voting for Republican or Democratic goals, not people goals. Our government leaders are working for lobbyists and special interest groups, not the common person. Even the free-trade policies imposed by our government leaders demonstrate that our government is not for the working person.

However, we have not lost a government by the people. We still have the right to vote! We need to use this right to restore the other two forms of government, as Abraham Lincoln envisioned.

Forrest Diehl

Spokane Valley

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