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The Slice: Unlikely avenue for most teens

Long ago, you could count on certain teenagers to complain about the new street name when their families moved.

But now, because of how kids communicate, that particular address probably strikes them as virtually irrelevant.

Slice answer: How much beer have you consumed over the years? “Measured in bottles, gallons, or acre-feet?” wrote Edward Morris.

Multiple choice: If you went through school in the survival-of-the-fittest days before the emphasis on self-esteem, which of the following best describes your role during dodgeball?

A) Predator. B) Prey. C) Lunch meat. D) Collateral damage. E) Sadist. F) Surrender monkey. G) Like that guy who took a lance in the neck during a joust in HBO’s “Game of Thrones.” H) Target groin. I) Other.

Slice answers: Carl Eklund’s favorite reply to the question “How goes the battle?” is the line, “We’ve got the enemy right where they want us.”

Darlene Hardenbrook would go with “No prisoners!”

Bruce Colquhoun suggested, “The enemy has just fired a full spread of torpedoes and my rudder is jammed.”

Pullman’s Bobbi Bennett-Wolcott offered, “We’ve got those yokels from Bloomsday on the run, but we’re anticipating shooting from Hoopfest shortly.”

Michal Frye wrote: “I signed the peace treaty, but it turns out they were lying about the amnesty.”

And Walt Aring would trot out the “Pogo” classic, “We have met the enemy and he is us.”

Re: Monday’s Slice: I’ve heard conflicting arguments about the wisdom of watering houseplants with ice cubes. But I hope to arrive at some sort of consensus soon.

Trying to hear the show: “At our house it is pretty much guaranteed that certain lines of dialogue will be drowned out by snoring,” wrote Jennie Larson. “The joke in the family is if any movie is pretty good it gets ‘Two Snores Up.’”

Warm-up question: Is it time to do away with graduation speeches?

Today’s Slice question: Which of the many Spokane movie theaters that no longer exist was your favorite?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email Check out The Slice Blog at Apple blossoms are like euphoria.

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