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The Slice: Girl’s toys graduate to new life

Here’s a note from a Spokane friend back in the Midwest this week to attend her daughter’s college graduation.

“We just had our own ‘Toy Story 3’ moment,” she emailed. “Grace just gave the little toys (plastic dinosaurs) she had on her desk and the penguin backpack she brought with her to college (when you squeeze his bill he squeaks) to the 3-year-old son of the adult dorm parents in her residence hall. He is thrilled and I am in tears.”

Slice answers: Jeremy Ries offered this.

“With respect to the question, ‘How often do home remodeling projects lead couples to the brink of divorce?’

“I would like to interject that the proper question should be the following: ‘How often do UNFINISHED home remodeling projects lead couples to the brink of divorce?’ ”

And Shirley in Bonners Ferry mulled the question and came up with a definitive, experience-based answer: “Every time.”

What would happen to the theoretical couple who met last weekend at ArtFest: Pamela Pierson had a thought on this.

“After several dates, He finally is invited to Her home where He sees that Her purchases from every past ArtFest is putting Her in place to be the next ‘contestant’ on ‘Hoarders’ and He slowly backs out the door and then breaks into a run.”

Multiple-choice answer: Ellen Halter selected two bars that seemed like the best places to hang out.

“Without a doubt: Butch’s in ‘The Best Years of Our Lives,’ and Rick’s in ‘Casablanca,’ ” she wrote. “How can you miss with Hoagy and Bogey?”

Warm-up question: If you did something heroic away from work, how would your job title or occupation label sound if prefaced by the media with “off duty”?

Today’s Slice question: You know how the queen of England has her beloved corgis? Sure. Well, if the governors of Washington and Idaho (not necessarily the current office-holders) were famous for their ongoing relationships with certain breeds of dogs, what kind of canines would be “first pooch” for each state?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; fax (509) 459-5098; email Check out The Slice Blog at today for a modest salute to actress Adrienne Barbeau on her birthday.

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