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The Slice: Every time a bell rings, a business shuts its doors

My walking route from the Review Tower to Thai on 1st takes me past places where I used to have lunch, get my hair cut, meet visitors from out of town, buy liquor, purchase periodicals and pick up prescriptions.

Those places are all closed now. If you care about Spokane, it’s troubling.

The other day on my way to lunch I was wondering what it will take to fill those spaces again. And an old man stopped me on the sidewalk next to the Satellite Diner. He didn’t ask for money. He wanted me to help him wriggle into a backpack’s straps.

It wasn’t as simple as that sounds. He already had on one pack. It was turned around so that the pouch hung in front of his stomach. A small dog stood inside it.

The canine was remarkably calm. Maybe that dog has seen it all.

Anyway, we got the other pack situated and the man thanked me. As we parted, a line from “It’s a Wonderful Life” occurred to me. But I kept quiet.

Continuing on my way to the Thai restaurant, my thoughts returned to Spokane’s compact downtown. I decided that the George Bailey line from that movie was appropriate to express my feelings on that matter, too.

“Hey, little fellow, you worry me.”

New stimulus czar: A friend’s 6-year-old son was concerned about a next-door neighbor who had gone to the hospital. Young Trevor suggested buying flowers for the man.

Trevor’s mom said flowers weren’t really a guy thing. So the little boy asked about getting the neighbor a car.

His mom assumed he was talking about a toy. He wasn’t. Trevor said maybe they should get the neighbor a car just like the one his mom drives.

She explained why that wasn’t really practical.

But next time you hear someone say everyone around here is a cheapo penny-pincher, don’t hesitate to mention Trevor.

Today’s Slice question: Which are your favorite/least favorite airports?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; fax (509) 459-5098; e-mail Chef Laith Elaimy recommends stuffing the turkey with Italian sausage.

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