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Psychics sense finances outweigh romances

Money matters are clients’ big concern

By Amber Hunt and Alexandra Bahou Detroit Free Press

When Mary Hamp first decided to meet with a psychic, it was for insight into her impending divorce.

But then she lost her job, and her questions changed.

“I ask her, ‘Do I need to get some more education?’ or ‘Should I look out of state?’ ” says Hamp, 45, of Plymouth, Mich., who has been out of work in sales for more than two months.

For her, it’s sort of like therapy, but without the touchy-feely “how does that make you feel?” aspect.

These days, it seems even the realm of the supernatural is affected by the crippling economy.

Psychics – for lack of a better term – say that the typical questions about love and loss have been replaced by the need for more earthly, fiscal advice.

“We have relationship questions in good economic times,” explains Ray Fraser, who says he has been a spiritual medium for 33 years. “But when people are wondering, ‘Will I have a place to live?’ well, that’s more important.”

Fraser, 63, owner of Mystiques-West in Westland, Mich., says the questions nearly everyone has these days are: How much should I invest into my 401(k)? Should I try to sell my house? Should I retire now or put it off another year?

Reyna Long – a self-described psychic, channel and medium – says the questions really are about more than money.

“When everything is going along well, people fall into their little patterns of comfort and they don’t want to make change,” says Long, 58, who does readings from her Berkley, Mich., home. “But when things are difficult, it causes them to ask questions.”

That’s when the introspective “who am I” questions begin, she says.

“If they lived a life of real consumerism, they end up asking, ‘Did I really need this?’ ” Long says. “You start examining why you are where you are.”

David Krueger, 35, of Royal Oak, Mich., has gone both the psychic and financial adviser routes. The latter, he says, is only useful when it comes to nuts-and-bolts economics.

“If they had any expertise or could actually help, believe me, I’d be all over that,” he laughs.

Krueger has gone to psychic Shala Kilmer of Beverly Hills, Mich., for about eight years. He owns several Big Boy restaurants with his family and has sought advice on launching Internet-based businesses as well.

“Most of the time, I already know the answer within myself. Sometimes I just don’t want to admit it,” he says.

Hamp agrees. The past six months have been tough, including a divorce and two layoffs. She hasn’t been able to visit her psychic much since losing her job because she’s living off the severance pay, but she says her visits have been helpful.

“It’s kind of like I know some of the stuff, but she makes it more clear for me,” she says. “It just helps me stay level-headed.”

Long, who also offers readings at www.onevoicepsychic, says she sees an upside to the trying times: People are more open to change.

“I’m seeing really exciting things with people opening up,” she says. “The old paradigms are not working. People are starting to see new possibilities for the future.”