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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Yes, it is possible to drive without talking on the phone

Slice-meister Paul Turner is taking some time off this month, but don’t despair: In his absence, we’re rerunning some of the tastier tidbits from this date in Slice history. Today’s sampling:

FROM 2005:

Seven things that will not cure hiccups:

1. Calling someone who almost always drops the phone when answering.

2. Watching one of those overproduced, sports-worshipping Nike commercials.

3. Checking your e-mail for the hundredth time since you woke up.

4. Thinking about penguins.

5. Wondering if the Carol Ferris who was Green Lantern’s girlfriend might have been related to Spokane’s Ferris family.

6. Wondering if the Iris West who married The Flash is any relation to Jim West.

7. Trying to identify everyday expressions in your life that could be used as code for something R-rated.

FROM 1999:

Seen on the South Hill: Tuesday, at about 4 p.m., we saw a driver not talking on a cell phone.

FROM 1996:

Warm-up question: How many Inland Northwest residents are afraid to come out of the closet about reading romance novels?

FROM 1994:

What Spokane needs is more 55-year-old women who really know how to call someone “Honey.”

No kidding. It would improve the quality of life.