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The Slice: In this case it’s not really identity theft

ABBAcadabra, you’re hooked. (The Spokesman-Review)

Carolyn Terry and Carol Terry are different people.

The two Spokane women are friendly acquaintances. But they are not the same person.

Some people have a hard time accepting that, though.

Earlier this week the two bumped into each other at a South Hill mailing service. Among other things, they talked about some recent confusion over their phone numbers on a church roster.

After a bit, Carolyn Terry conducted her business and was on her way.

Then Carol Terry stepped up. At some point, the young man behind the counter asked for her name.

She told him.

This royally confused the poor fellow.

“She was just here,” he said, as somewhere the “Twilight Zone” theme played.

Things that made you cry (or at least tear up a little): “My daughter and her husband moved to Louisiana,” wrote Mary Clarke. “They recently had their first child. Of course, I flew down for two weeks to help with food, cleaning, anything they needed. When I had to leave, it was quiet. Then my daughter said, ‘I don’t want you to leave.’ That did it. The dam broke. I still tear up thinking about it.”

Don’t start humming this: The Slice’s attempt to plant an ear worm in readers earlier this week didn’t have much of a chance of working on Maria Washington. You see, she recently watched a certain musical and her head is crammed full of Abba songs.

You know.

If you change your mind

I’m the first in line

Honey, I’m still free

Take a chance on me

Connections: It seems that no matter where some big news happens, someone around here is linked in some small way.

Anna Kavulich Holmberg was born and grew up in Binghamton, N.Y. So when the 72-year-old Coeur d’Alene woman saw the news about last week’s shooting rampage back there, it stopped her in her tracks.

“To further learn that this all took place at a center for immigrants made me so unbelievably sad,” she wrote. “My parents were immigrants. They came by boat to Ellis Island in 1929 from Czechoslovakia and settled in Binghamton, my first home.”

Warm-up question: Does someone in your household never fail to exclaim in disgust whenever someone in a movie or TV show gets on a bed or couch while wearing street shoes?

Today’s Slice question: What is your brutally honest assessment of how you look in a moderately snug T-shirt?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; fax (509) 459-5098; e-mail For previous Slice columns, see Off-duty doctors and nurses must get weary of people glancing in their direction when someone in a recreational setting appears to be on the road to endangering himself/herself.

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