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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Best-selling books

The Spokesman-Review


1. “For One More Day”

Mitch Albom (Hyperion, $21.95)

2. “Cross”

James Patterson (Little, Brown, $27.99)

3. “Next”

Michael Crichton (HarperCollins, $27.95)

4. Dear John”

Nicholas Sparks (Warner, $24.99)

5. “Hannibal Rising”

Thomas Harris (Delacorte, $27.95)

6. Treasure of Khan”

Clive Cussler and Dirk Cussler (Putnam, $27.95)

7. Brother Odd”

Dean Koontz (Bantam, $27)

8. “Lisey’s Story”

Stephen King (Scribner, $28)

9. “Wild Fire”

Nelson DeMille (Warner, $26.99)

10. “The Boleyn Inheritance”

Philippa Gregory (Touchstone/Simon & Schuster, $25.95)


1. “The Audacity of Hope”

Barack Obama (Crown, $25)

2. “The Innocent Man”

John Grisham (Doubleday, $28.95)

3. “Marley & Me”

John Grogan (Morrow, $29.95/$21.95)

4. “Culture Warrior”

Bill O’Reilly (Broadway, $26)

5. “Palestine Peace Not Apartheid”

Jimmy Carter (Simon & Schuster, $27)

6. “I Feel Bad About My Neck”

Nora Ephron (Knopf, $19.95)

7. “I Like You”

Amy Sedaris (Warner, $27.99)

8. “Freakonomics”

Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner (Morrow, $27.95)

9. “The God Delusion”

Richard Dawkins (Houghton Mifflin, $27)

10. “The World is Flat”

Thomas L. Friedman (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, $30)

Paperback fiction

1. The Memory Keeper’s Daughter”

Kim Edwards (Penguin, $14)

2. Cell”

Stephen King (Pocket Star, $9.99)

3. S is For Silence”

Sue Grafton (Berkley, $7.99)

4. The Five People You Meet in Heaven”

Mitch Albom (Hyperion, $12)

5. The Tenth Circle”

Jodi Picoult (Washington Square, $15)

6. On the Run”

Iris Johansen (Bantam, $7.99)

7. The Alchemist”

Paulo Coelho (HarperSan Francisco, $13.95/$13)

Paperback nonfiction

1. “The Pursuit of Happyness”

Chris Gardner with Quincy Troupe and Mim Eichler Rivas

(Amistad/HarperCollins, $14.95)

2. “Flags of Our Fathers”

James Bradley with Ron Powers (Bantam, $14/$7.99)

3. “Running With Scissors”

Augusten Burroughs (Picador, $14/$7.99)

4. “The Iraq Study Group Report”

James A. Baker III and Lee H. Hamilton (Vintage, $10.95)

5. “The Glass Castle”

Jeannette Walls (Scribner, $14)

6. “Dreams from My Father”

Barack Obama (Three Rivers, $13.95)

7. “America (The Book)”

Jon Stewart, Ben Karlin, David Javerbaum (Warner, $15.99)