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The Slice: Since it’s Tuesday, you can be yourself

There’s one great thing about Tuesday.

It might be the weekday when you are least likely to be asked, “Got any exciting weekend plans?”

On Mondays, people are still talking about weekends and sometimes there is a look ahead. And starting on Wednesday, some forward-looking friends, co-workers and bank tellers begin asking that question.

But on Tuesday, there’s no pressure to prove that you have a full, rich life.

“Ceramic Donkey Department: “So have you ever asked readers what is the dumbest souvenir they acquired on a vacation?” wondered Pam Stark.

Not until now.

“Slice answers: Several readers with Air Force connections placed “Dr. Strangelove” high on their lists of favorite Air Force movies. So if you assumed that everyone in the military is humorless, you might need to rethink that.

“Just wondering: Did the altered timing of the downtown traffic lights during the Interstate 90 work convert a lot of out-of-patience pedestrians into jaywalkers?

“Tuesday quiz: Name the actor who has played both Elvis Presley and Kevin Coe in made-for-TV movies.

Find the answer down below my contact info.

“Closet-space allocation: “At our house, our bedroom closet is entirely mine, as are all the dresser drawers,” wrote Joyce Mann. “Joe’s clothes are in the spare bedroom — we refer to that as the Banishment Room. That way I don’t have to fret over his messes, and he gets to be the martyr. Perfect.”

“R.I.P. Mac: The Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture’s unofficial mascot has passed away. A friendly yellow cat who wore a bell and liked to flop down in front of people, Mac helped supervise construction of the museum and was a friend to many staffers.

As his name predated the museum calling itself “The MAC,” the cat’s owners enjoyed claiming that the Browne’s Addition landmark was actually named after their pet.

“Slice answer: Ed Hope said one of the things that occasionally makes him sick of Spokane is people parking cars on their front yards.

“Warm-up question (summer rerun): How many white Christians are incapable of dealing with the idea that Jesus probably wouldn’t have had a Nordic appearance?

“Today’s Slice question (suggested by reader Tim Crabb): Are people who live in neighborhoods with sidewalks different from those who live in neighborhoods without them?

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