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Huckleberries: That ‘D’ was not delightful

Huckleberries hears … that state Rep. Dick Harwood – or is that “Hardwood”? – belatedly spotted a typo in the polo shirts he ordered with his name on them. At the Idaho School Boards Association meeting in Cd’A Monday, Harwood told one and all about the typographical error. Seems the St. Maries Republican didn’t spot it until he’d worn the shirts around town for awhile. He was stylin’ until he noticed that the inscription on the chest, “Rep. Hardwood,” had too many D’s. As punster John Austin noted at Huckleberries Online Tuesday, one D is almost too many in Harwood’s Own Private (Republican) Idaho.

“After 43 hours, 5 minutes and 34 seconds of watching four small grandkids, D.J. Nall/Hauser Thoughts had 12 observations, including: “Peanut butter does an excellent job of removing bubble gum from clothes but not from the dryer.” And: “When confronted with the statement, ‘It’s not fair!’ remind the child that on the seventh day, when God rested, he was supposed to create fairness.” And: “I think my husband wishes he had become a monk.” For the rest of the list, check out D.J.’s Web site:

“Sightem: Yes, that was ex-“NYPD Blue” star Dennis Franz at The Cedars Floating Restaurant recently wearing a “skullet” – baldness up top with longer locks drooping down the back. “The skullet,” reports a Berry Picker, “was a bit ratty and looked kind of dirty. I guess that’s the benefit of being a celebrity in Idaho – you can make the skullet work, even at Cedars.”

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