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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Simpson Testifies About Phone Calls, Cuts On Hands

Associated Press

O.J. Simpson called his ex-wife the night of her murder and demanded to talk to their daughter, according to Simpson’s private deposition testimony, as recounted Thursday by sources close to the case.

Simpson told attorneys he made the call from his Brentwood mansion between one and two hours before the time prosecutors said the murders occurred, and spoke with his daughter Sydney about her dance recital that evening, the sources said.

The call was never disclosed at Simpson’s criminal trial. It was Simpson’s second call to Nicole Brown Simpson’s house the day she was murdered. Simpson had called earlier, by cellular phone, to arrange to see the recital.

Simpson also testified in the closed-door sessions last week that he cut his hand twice in the hours surrounding the murders: once when he wounded his little finger at some point before leaving for Chicago, and again when he pushed a broken glass into the sink in his Chicago hotel room, sources said.

Simpson told the attorneys he didn’t know how the glass had been broken, according to the sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity. This explanation contradicts the contention by Simpson’s criminal trial attorneys, who said he broke the glass in anger upon hearing of his ex-wife’s death.

Prosecutors alleged Simpson cut his hand while murdering Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman.