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Girl Scouts Get Into The Low-Fat Game

Rick Bonino Food Editor

Of all the guilty pleasures in this world, Girl Scout cookies are among the most noble - an opportunity to satisfy sensual cravings, cloaked in the facade of supporting a good cause.

Of course, this is the ‘90s, and even the Girl Scouts have been infiltrated by the nutrition police.

This year’s cookie drive features a new, low-fat offering: Snaps, iced oatmeal-raisin rounds with only 1.5 fat grams in seven small cookies.

But never fear, fat fans. Last year’s caramel-pecan newcomers, Juliettes, are again available along with the ever-popular Samoas, Thin Mints, Trefoils, Do-Si-Dos, Tagalongs and Chalet Cremes. (Can Shirelles and Bar-Kays be far behind?)

Price is $3.50 a box. If you haven’t been personally cornered by one of the uniformed cuties, call 747-8091 (1-800-827-9478 outside the Spokane area). Orders are due by Feb. 19, with delivery scheduled in April.

No beefing

So you’re thinking that your Tofu-Shiitake-Sesame Surprise won’t quite cut it in the typical red-blooded recipe contest?

The Practical Vegetarian newsletter is seeking meatless maindish recipes, to be judged on originality, taste, visual appeal and ease of preparation. First- and second-place winners will receive $50 and $25, respectively, with the top three finishers getting a one-year subscription.

Entries (up to three per household) are due Feb. 28. Include your name, address, telephone number and how you developed the recipe and send to: The Main Event, c/o The Practical Vegetarian, P.O. Box 6253, Evanston, IL 60204.

Confection zone

Now you can have your tools and eat them, too.

Through February, Sears is offering solid milk-chocolate replicas of seven Craftsman hand tools: a ratchet, chisel, hammer, pliers, and caliper, adjustable, and combination wrenches. (You’ll have to make the screwdriver yourself.)

Cost is $17.99, plus shipping and handling. There’s still time to get Federal Express delivery for Valentine’s Day; call 1-800-377-7414.

Love bites

A Valentine’s tip from the Sweet Factory candy folks: “Blindfold your partner and feed him or her luscious liqueur-filled chocolate truffles.”

Or, as the Oregon Raspberry and Blackberry Commission puts it: “Valentine’s Day - A Time for Tarts.”
