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Rene Denfeld with new book "Sleeping Giants"

“The cold, pounding ocean, treacherous with undercurrents, mauls the Oregon coast and sets the highs and lows of this magnetizing tale of loss and discovery. . . . In her fourth novel, acclaimed Denfeld (The Butterfly Girl, 2019) draws on her experiences as a social justice investigator and foster mother to astutely portray neurodivergent characters in a transfixingly atmospheric, brilliantly plotted, heart-seizing drama of cruelty and trauma, cover-ups and murder, and the depthless mysteries of pain and love.” — Booklist





April 2, 2024, 7 p.m.
The Steam Plant Brewery & Restaurant
Event Center
159 S Lincoln St. 3rd Floor
Spokane, WA 99201

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